{ "serverID": 1860046861, # server ID "serverName": "myTestServer", # server name "systemProfile": "easyTravel", # system profile "data": { "visitId": 13645, # visit ID "startTime": 1453219620461, # start time of the visit in ms "endTime": 1453219622953, # end time of the visit in ms "duration": 2492, # visit duration in ms "application": "easyTravel mobile", # application name "appVersion": "6.5", # application version "visitTag": "tomasz", # visit tag "additionalTags": {}, # additional visit tags "userExperienceIndex": 1, # represents the user expierence as number: satisfied = 1, tolerating = 0.5, frustrated = 0 "userExperience": "satisfied", # represents the user expierience as string "userExperienceReason": "Satisfied", # user experience reason "connectionType": "WIFI", # mobile connection type: WIFI, Mobile "bandwidth": -1, # bandwidth in kbit/sec (-1: not detected) "isConverted": 0, # converted flag: true = 1, false = 0 "isBounced": 1, # bounced flag: true = 1, false = 0 "isCrashed": 0, # crashed flag: true = 1, false = 0 "pageViews": 0, # number of page views "userActions": 1, # number of user actions "failedActions": 0, # number of failed actions "landingPage": { # landing page information "title": "easyTravel mobile", # page title "responseTime": 2492, # page response time in ms "isFailed": 0 # failed flag: true = 1, false = 0 }, "exitPage": { # exit page information "title": "easyTravel mobile", # page title "responseTime": 2492, # page response time in ms "isFailed": 0 # failed flag: true = 1, false = 0 }, "clientType": "mobile", # client type: mobile or browser "clientDetails": { # client details "osFamily": "iOS", # operating system family "osVersion": "iOS 4.3.3", # operating system version "manufacturer": "Apple", # device manufacturer "deviceName": "iPad 2", # device name "modelId": "iPad2,2", # device model ID "resolution": "768x1024", # device screen resolution "cpuInfo": "armv7", # device CPU info "isRooted": 1, # rooted flag: 1=rooted, 0=not rooted "adkVersion": "6.1.1234", # mobile ADK version "gpsCoordinates": { # GPS coordinates "lat": -22.9492, "lon": -43.15564 }, "applicationBuildVersion": "6.1.1234" # application build version }, "ipAddress": "", # IP address "location": { # location information "continent": "South America", # continent "country": "Brazil", # country "region": "Rio de Janeiro", # region "city": "Rio De Janeiro" # city }, "convertedBy": null, # list of conversion measures "businessTransactions": { # user defined visit business transactions "Visits+by+connection+type": { # business transaction name "measures": {}, # list of business transaction measures "splittings": { # list of business transaction splittings "Connection+Type+of+Visits": "WIFI" } } }, "carrier": "Orange" # carrier name } }