{ "serverID": 1860046861, # server ID "serverName": "myTestServer", # server name "systemProfile": "easyTravel", # system profile "data": { "visitId": 13812, # visit ID "tagId": 40, # tag ID "agentId": -1700498754, # agent ID "startTime": 1453371079244, # start time of the user action in ms "endTime": 1453371081802, # end time of the user action in ms "visitTag": "wit", # visit tag (derived from visit) "additionalTags": {}, # additional visit tags (derived from visit) "name": "Loading easyTravel", # user action name "prettyName": "Loading easyTravel", # user action pretty name "type": "ActionEvent", # user action type "actionGroup": "Mobile Actions", # user action group "actionGroupPerformanceBaseline": 4000, # user action group performance baseline in ms "apdex": 1, # user experience apdex: satisfied = 1, tolerating = 0.5, frustrated = 0 "userExperience": "satisfied", # represents the user experience as string "isFailed": 0, # user action failed flag: true = 1, false = 0 "failingReasons": null, # reason why user action failed "responseTime": 2558, # user action response time in ms "networkContributionTime": 0, # network contribution time in ms "serverContributionTime": 0, # server contribution time in ms "thirdPartyContribution": -1, # third party contribution in ms "cdnContribution": -1, # CDN contribution in ms "application": "easyTravel mobile", # application name (derived from visit) "appVersion": "6.5", # application version (derived from visit) "location": { # location information "continent": "Asia", # continent "country": "Japan", # country "region": "Tokyo", # region "city": "Tokio" # city }, "clientDetails": { # client details "osFamily": "iOS", # operating system family (derived from visit) "osVersion": "iOS 6.1", # operating system version (derived from visit) "manufacturer": "Apple", # device manufacturer (derived from visit) "deviceName": "iPhone 5", # device name (derived from visit) "modelId": "iPhone5,1", # device model ID (derived from visit) "resolution": "640x1136", # device screen resolution (derived from visit) "cpuInfo": "armv7s", # device CPU info (derived from visit) "isRooted": 0, # rooted flag: 1=rooted, 0=not rooted (derived from visit) "adkVersion": "6.1.1234", # mobile ADK version (derived from visit) "gpsCoordinates": { # GPS coordinates (derived from visit) "lat": 35.65872, "lon": 139.74554 }, "applicationBuildVersion": "6.1.1234", # application build version (derived from visit) "isPortrait": 1, # device was in portrait mode (1) or landscape mode (0) "batteryStatus": 0.15479326, # battery percentage (0.154 = 15.4%) "totalMemory": 795, # total memory in MB "freeMemory": 0.99, # free memory percentage (0.99 = 99%) "runningProcesses": 49, # number of running processes "networkTechnology": "EDGE", # network technology "signalStrength": 0 # signal strength }, "xhrUrl": null, # XHR URL "clientErrors": 0, # number of client errors "serverErrors": 0, # number of server errors "perceivedRenderTime": -1, # percieved render time in ms "perceivedRenderTimeSlowestImageSrc": "-", # image source of the image with the slowest perceived render time "source": { # source information "name": "-", # source name "viewDuration": -1 # view duration in ms }, "target": { # target information "name": "easyTravel mobile" # target name }, "resourceSummary": null, # resource summary information "navTiming": null, # navigation timing information "onLoad": -1, # elapsed time until _onload_ event in ms "domready": 0, # elapsed time until DOM ready in ms "metaData": null, "adkStrings": {}, # adk values (strings) "adkValues": {}, # adk values (numbers) "businessTransactions": { # user defined user action business transactions "Pageview+Apdex+by+Country": { # business transaction name "measures": { # list of business transaction measures "Apdex": 1 }, "splittings": { # list of business transaction splittings "Country+of+Visits": "Japan" } }, "Pageview+Apdex+by+Application": { # business transaction name "measures": { # list of business transaction measures "Apdex": 1 }, "splittings": null # list of business transaction splittings } } } }