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One step to happiness", # source title "url": "http://localhost:8079/", # source URL "viewDuration": 4764 # view duration in ms }, "target": { # target information "title": "easyTravel - About", # target title "url": "http://localhost:8079/about-orange.jsf" # target URL }, "resourceSummary": { # resource summary information "busyTime": 632, # total busy time in ms "totalCount": 57, # total resource count "failedCount": 0, # total failed count "cdn": null, # CDN resource summary "thirdParty": { # third party resource summary "busyTime": 632, # total third party busy time in ms "totalCount": 57, # total third party resource count "failedCount": 0, # total third party failed resource count "domains": [ # third party domains { "busyTime": 43, # busy time of specific domain in ms "totalCount": 36, # resource count of spesific domain "failedCount": 0, # failed resource count id specific domain "name": "localhost" # domain name }, { "busyTime": 396, # busy time of specific domain in ms "totalCount": 2, # resource count of spesific domain "failedCount": 0, # failed resource count id specific domain "name": "www.facebook.com" # domain name }, { "busyTime": 146, # busy time of specific domain in ms "totalCount": 1, # resource count of spesific domain "failedCount": 0, # failed resource count id specific domain "name": "www.linkedin.com" # domain name }, { "busyTime": 0, # busy time of specific domain in ms "totalCount": 1, # resource count of spesific domain "failedCount": 0, # failed resource count id specific domain "name": "www.dynatrace.com" # domain name } ] }, "firstParty": null }, "navTiming": { # navigation timing information "urlRedirect": -1, # URL redirect duration in ms "connect": 0, # connect duration in ms "documentRequest": 24, # request duration in ms "processing": 1151, # processing duration in ms "dns": 0, # domain lookup duration in ms "ssl": -1, # secure connect duration in ms "documentResponse": 0 # response duration in ms }, "onLoad": 127, # elapsed time until _onload_ event in ms "domready": 715, # elapsed time until DOM ready in ms "metaData": null, "adkStrings": { # adk values (strings) "dt_appversion": [ "" ] }, "adkValues": { # adk values (numbers) "averagepriceperperson": [ 199.5 ], "numberofpersons": [ 2 ], "bookingtotal": [ 399 ] }, "businessTransactions": { # user defined user action business transactions "End+User+Actions+by+Country": { # business transaction name "measures": { # list of business transaction measures "Count": 1 }, "splittings": { # list of business transaction splittings "Country+of+Visits": "Unknown Location" } }, "Pageviews+by+Apdex+performance+zone+and+Country": { # business transaction name "measures": { # list of business transaction measures "Count": 1 }, "splittings": { # list of business transaction splittings "Apdex+performance+zone+for+Page+Actions": "satisfied", "Country+of+Visits": "Unknown Location" } } } } }